Is My Mind Playing Tricks On Me? Let’s Find Out.

Learn how to break mental barriers while building mental resilience with transformative insights into achieving emotional intelligence.

I'm Adrian TRUFiT McKenzie, a seasoned athlete, and Performance Wellness Specialist. My expertise goes beyond physical training; it centers around mental resilience and emotional intelligence. My mission is to equip you with the skills to excel, whether you're in a strategic boardroom discussion or making game-changing plays on the court.

Embrace Challenges and Thrive
Life is a series of defining moments – some that lift you and others that test you. In the critical moments of life, will you falter or thrive? Do you have the mental strategies to stay composed and decisive under pressure?

What makes the difference is how you respond under pressure, your fight or flight. I’ve navigated the extremes of both professional challenges and athletic pursuits. When you combine physical training with mental fitness strategies, it allows you to overcome mental blocks that lead to physical barriers that ultimately prevent you from functioning at even half your best. Learn to navigate these moments in a calm and focused mindset.

Learn how to control the chaos amidst life’s emotional highs and lows. It’s about transforming pressure into power, and uncertainty into action. Embark on a journey to develop an exceptional emotional IQ, and increase your emotional intelligence and mental resilience. Tap into unexplored potential and turn pressure into performance.

Join the Journey

If you're ready to transform your life, I invite you to join me on this journey. Let's work together to "Be Better Than Yesterday" and create a more productive, healthier, and balanced life.

Life can become difficult at times, unbearable with feelings of hopelessness, no self-worth, or lack of confidence. Whether you are overweight, in shape, and lacking confidence, looking to change your life due to a recent divorce, or losing a special someone in your life, these are the moments in life that test us the most. It's not about how hard you get hit down; it's about how you get back up.

You may be feeling very depressed or overweight and not very enthusiastic about life in general right now. I know how you feel but truly believe if you can get your mind right, things will start to get better, and you can build from there. When was the last time you trained the most important muscle in your body, your brain?

I want people to know and understand that you can change your life no matter what it is. If you are really ready to make that change. My goal is to reach into an individual and bring out what they are truly capable of. We are so much stronger than we think we are. Finally wanting to make a change and having the ability to make it happen are two challenges. I knew that there were and still are many people out there looking to make a change but don't know how.

I wanted to create something that would help you completely restart your health and wellness philosophy, and making life changes to live a more productive, healthier, and balanced life.

Going in the right direction and having the right motivation and support will help you do things you never thought you could do.

"Be Better Than Yesterday".